5 Reasons to Write a Book

If you believe there is a book inside you waiting to come out, here are 5 reasons you want to write that book!

Rick Benzel

6/14/20243 min read

5 Reasons to Write a Book

Do you believe there is a book in you, but you’re just not sure if you should follow through the process of writing and publishing it? Does a voice in your head keep telling to get writing, but you don’t understand why? I want to devote this blog to helping you sort out these feelings. In my four decades in publishing, I’ve worked with hundreds of authors and I’ve been able to identify at least 5 good reasons to publish a book. See which ones resonate with you…and then contact me.

1. You have expertise to share with others. Perhaps you are like some authors who possess a tremendous amount of knowledge that other people can benefit from. You’ve worked in your field for a long time and have learned a great deal. You look around and you see that other people are struggling to learn what you know. This was the case with my author Anthony Gioeli, an expert in helping companies become multinational. His informative book, International Business Expansion: A Step-by-Step Guide to Launch Your Company into Other Countries, is chock full of Anthony’s expertise about how to choose which countries to enter, how to set up agents or offices, and everything else you’d need to know if you are a small or midsize business that wants to go multinational. So if you have expertise that you want to share with others, contact me and I’ll help you figure out how to translate it to an incredible book.

2. You are on a mission to change something in the world. We all know the world needs change, lots of it. Perhaps you are like John Poothullil, MD, whose new book is about to come out presenting a new theory on cause of Type 2 diabetes. Dr. Poothullil contacted me to help him edit his book, and being a Type 2 diabetic myself, I became fascinated with his mission to help people avoid or reverse their diabetes. Dr. Poothullil seeks to have his book, Eat, Chew, Live: 4 Revolutionary Ideas to Prevent Diabetes, Lose Weight and Enjoy Food, change how the medical profession views diabetes so they can teach their patients about how overeating grain-based carbohydrates is the real cause of high blood sugar. If you are on a mission to change the world, contact me, and I’ll help you get some traction for your cause.

3. You want a book to become your calling card to attract business to you. Susan and began our publishing company, Over And Above Press, in 2013, but we soon realized that in today’s world, many consultants and coaches need a book to help them build their business and gain credibility in a competitive marketplace. This led me to spin off my website www.publishtogetclients.com, where I offer special deals for authors who need a short book that they can use to grow their business. Such is the case with Marc Koehler, a sharp entrepreneur whose company Lead with Purpose invented a brilliant online platform where businesses can create a one-page strategic plan that inspires and engages all employees. Marc’s book, Leading with Purpose: How to Engage, Empower, and Encourage Your People to Reach Their Full Potential, to be released in August, gives him a fantastic opportunity to spread his knowledge about leadership and strategic planning. If you are like Marc, contact me and I’ll help you develop your calling card.

4. A creative voice in your head keeps telling you to write a book. We recently published an informative and inspiring book, In the Field with Horses: Exploring the Horse-Human Connection, by Lisa Walters. For years, Lisa was contemplating writing a book about her lifelong amazing experiences with horses and she could no longer say no. She had already written many individual stories about the deep energetic connections between horses and humans, and she came to us for editorial help to put her book together. The result is a wonderful read about what humans can gain through equine experiences. So if a creative voice in your head won’t shut up, tell it to contact me and I’ll pull the book out of you.

5. You want to spend 3 months writing in the south of France. I love Europe and have lived in France and visited a lot of Provence. If you are like me, you dream of getting a great book idea that is so powerful, you know you have to write it—but you have to be somewhere in France to be inspired and make your words sing (along with a little bit of pastis at 5:00 pm every night). I have to admit that I spoke to many authors who want to do this, but so far no one has done it. So if this is your motivation, please, please contact me and I’ll help you find the right spot in the south of France, and I’ll even accompany you there for a month to ensure you get writing.

In my next blog, I’ll review another five great reasons to write a book. Stay tuned.